1. Best Part of Me

Best Part of Me

Ed Sheeran
A person with black lungs and a fading tattoo, with blue eyes and thinning hair, surrounded by a halo of love.
Lyrics Artwork
Midjourney 4
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Analysis based directly on this song's
1-line summary
These lyrics are about the narrator's insecurities and how they are loved despite them.
proposed artworks
A person with black lungs and a fading tattoo, with blue eyes and thinning hair, surrounded by a halo of love.
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Why is this important?
These lyrics are important as they emphasize the importance of self-love and the power of being loved despite one's insecurities.


Analysis based on underlying meaning of this song.

1-line summary
This song is about Ed Sheeran's relationship with his wife and his insecurities.
proposed artworks
A collage featuring Ed Sheeran with various elements that represent the text: a silhouette of him with visible tattoos, including a puzzle piece on his arm and the words 'your name'. In one corner, a black lung symbolizes his reference to smoking, while a pure, glowing heart is positioned near his chest, symbolizing his pure love. Include imagery of him holding a guitar, hinting at his musical career and songwriting. Add subtle references to his wife, Cherry Seaborn, such as a cherry blossom branch. Integrate subtle background elements like smoke to hint at his past smoking habit and musical notes or lyrics from 'Wake Me Up' and 'Best Part of Me' floating around. The overall mood should balance between his insecurities and the love and confidence he finds in his relationship.
1 votes
A puzzle piece with the words "Your Name" in the center.
0 votes
Why is this important?
This song highlights the importance of loving and accepting oneself despite insecurities, and the beauty of being in a loving relationship with someone who loves and accepts you for who you are.
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