1. 800db cloud

800db cloud

100 gecs
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Analysis based directly on this song's
1-line summary
These lyrics are about a person's addiction to drugs, money, and love.
proposed artworks
A silhouette of a person in front of a burning sky, with a bag of drugs in one hand and a pile of money in the other.
0 votes
Why is this important?
These lyrics explore the idea of addiction and how it can take over someone's life and lead them to make bad decisions.


Analysis based on underlying meaning of this song.

1-line summary
This song is about Laura Les expressing her desire to discard her phone into a lake to escape the spectre of her pre-transition existence.
proposed artworks
A silhouette of Laura Les standing on a dock, throwing her phone into a lake illuminated by a full moon.
0 votes
Why is this important?
This song is important because it speaks to the unique struggles faced by transgender individuals, and how technology can be both a source of safety and a source of suffering.
Homeless Monkey

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Homeless Monkey

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Sad chimpanzee sitting in front of broken TV

Oh no, a sad monkey! :(

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