1. Feels
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Analysis based directly on this song's
1-line summary
These lyrics are about a love so strong and real it knocks you off your feet.
proposed artworks
A crowd of people with their hands in the sky, a car with the title, a stage with a backdrop of a starry night sky.
0 votes
Why is this important?
These lyrics emphasize the importance of trusting your feelings and finding something real and meaningful in life.


Analysis based on underlying meaning of this song.

1-line summary
This song is about Little Mix's 2016 single "Touch" and J Hus's reference to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean".
proposed artworks
A beauty queen in a movie scene with a thousand acres of land in the background.
0 votes
Why is this important?
This song is important as it highlights the power of music and its ability to connect different generations and cultures. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of appreciating the music of the past and the present.
Homeless Monkey

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Homeless Monkey

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Sad chimpanzee sitting in front of broken TV

Oh no, a sad monkey! :(

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