1. Through the Wire

Through the Wire

Kanye West
A wire-mesh portrait of kanye west, with a bright yellow background and a glowing red wire outlining his face
Lyrics Artwork
Midjourney 4
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Analysis based directly on this song's
1-line summary
These lyrics are about Kanye West's determination to overcome a near-fatal car accident and his struggles with fame and success.
proposed artworks
A wire-mesh portrait of Kanye West, with a bright yellow background and a glowing red wire outlining his face.
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Analysis based on underlying meaning of this song.

1-line summary
This song is about Kanye West's determination to succeed despite the obstacles he faced after his car crash and surgery.
proposed artworks
A silhouette of Kanye West against a backdrop of a road with a car crash in the distance.
0 votes
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Homeless Monkey

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Sad chimpanzee sitting in front of broken TV

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Sad chimpanzee sitting in front of broken TV

Oh no, a sad monkey! :(

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